The Rosslyn Meeting
October 6. 2011 1 Comments
- Posted in:
- Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor

The project is really two projects rolled together to reduce construction costs - it was originally the Lynn St Esplanade project whose goal was to improve Rosslyn's connection to the Potomac River through improvements on Lynn St; this project is funded through the community benefit money contributed out of the Westview Development site plan process. A 2nd project to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety in the Rosslyn Circle area was rolled in when a federal grant was received to implement those safety improvements. These improvements focus on the Custis Trail and the various intersections it crosses in Rosslyn.
The main features proposed in the project:
- Street Trees added to Lynn St between 19th St and Westbound Lee Highway
- Lynn St Bike Lane extended across the I-66 bridge.
- "Luminous Bodies" art feature in the area of the Lynn St bridge over I-66
- Reconfiguration of the slip lane from Lynn St to Eastbound I-66 to improve pedestrian visibility
- Widening the Custis Trail from its current ~10' width to 16' wide from Oak street to Lynn St and some widening just east of Lynn St as Right-of-way permits.
- Adding a 6' planting buffer between the Custis Trail and Westbound Lee Highway
- Removing one lane of Westbound Lee Highway between Lynn and Oak to make space for the planting buffer and wider trail.
- Curb Extension at Lynn St / Custis intersection to shorten crossing distance for peds & bikes.
- Removing some of the jersey barrier / fencing that obscures visibility between the I-66 off ramp and the Custis when approaching Lynn St.

Currently the plans are at the 50% mark, they have not been finalized and VDOT has not given its final approval. VDOT is especially concerned and hesitant about the lane removal on Lee Highway and would like to gauge public support of that portion of the project specifically before giving final OK. Plans should be completed this coming Summer with final VDOT approval next Fall and construction beginning in 2013. If you have an opinion on this project, for or against, or have specific questions, PLEASE contact the project manager.